Ethereal Iz a good map in my op If you Hate it, I will Ki- Wait... Nevarmind
1. Guitar Hero/Rock Band Series 2. Halo Trilogy 3. Zelda Games 4. Banjo-Kazooie Games
I'll post V1.2 When my basement is dry
UPDATE: Sun Pancake is Delayed for a while. I want it to be Perfect before i publish it
Will we have ReForge Sun Pancake V2 to in order fix the Bumps? P.S. I went to Cedar Point with my Youth group yesterday, Yay! P.S.S. Go on...
You mean the Large Ramps that are next to the door? No. It is Not possible to walk up the ramps to the 'Shees. And yeah, Snipers in the Left...
Thanks Ozarka, I can fix the link soon can't do it now, My basement is flooded (No pun intended) I'll fix the link as soon as its not flooded, Lol
Good Map, But just for future reference, Don't take your pics in forge. Grid and Spawns are not the nicest thing to see in a Map Post, But good...
Well... This is My latest Map, Ethereal. It is kinda like my previous Map, Vein. Which didn't go to well, :'( But anyway, Weapons Plasma...
Kick the Bucket for Guitar Hero II, Beat Jordan (The Hardest song in game,) on expert, never got it though.:cry::cry::cry:
HolycrapYAY! Metroid Returns!!! And the People are Actually Realistically Animated! Didn't see anything in the Video on the New Zelda but Mario...
Well Lets See.... Majora's Mask - Srsly, If you play all the way through this game, Every Sidequest, Every Boss, And you DON'T, Shed a tear a...
DONE! i Give You.... WAR ZONE X [IMG] DL : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy the Map!
Really? The rules say an hour
A new, Base-to-Base Battle Map, Ethereal is coming out soon. Easily my Best Map to Date
Wow... Just Wow. Epic fail on the guy under the hoop, The Basketball guy gets A lifetime supply of Winsauce, Your welcome Patrick.
Your Pictures are not working 1. Take the Pics of your Map 2. Go to Haloscreenshots.Net and search for your Gamertag 3. When you edit your...
No. No matter where you go you are always "Alive", Just how it is spent depends on religon, So do you want to believe in God and fly around and...
Depends on your Religon, which this guy i just quoted definitely not religous Believe that Jesus died on the cross to save you = Go to Heaven...
Thank you both, Yeah its annoying cause i want to keep the game but its hard to play with a standard controller :( But thanks, i'll try and see...