Nice map dude. Good work on this one, Pros: Nice Weapons Reminds me of the Ark Reactor from Iron Man (Which is a good Thing ;P...
Hiding near an ice pillar by the first mega-lift
I don't get it, But cool effect, 5/5
Dude i saw the first two pics and i was liek, "What the Frick?!? This looks like Blast Off?" Just leave me alone...
He's By the Railing at the lower left
Likes: Metal: BMFV, Metallica, X Japan, Progressive Metal: Dream Theatre, Muse, BtBaM, Coheed & Cambria Rock: Boston,The Smashing...
Originality 3/5 (Okay, the second pic is probably what got me On about Blast Off vs. Gravitator. I Take Back what i said, Good Work) Asthetics...
Lol that is epic. nice one. Something like that happened to me once in Action Sack Some one on my team was doing the Flag Dropped. Flag Taken....
C-C-C-Combo Breaker! And of coarse you've done it Doni. Cuz your DONI R NINJA!!! I wish i was a Ninja But nice one dude that takes some skill
I joined 4 weeks ago... Thats what happened. YES! NAME OF THE BAND!!! Oh and more maps got featured... And Forgehub Favorites is Back from...
UPDATE: Well, My Basement is no longer flooded, BUT. Yes there is a But. The Ethernet Cable will not reach my XBOX. So i can play the XBOX but i...
PLEASE READ!!! I noticed that when i posted Ethereal, Alot of people said "Oh you need missle pods to counter the Banshees", THERE ARE TWO...
Nice Maps... Industrialized Good, But the Double box looks a little crooked, Might want to fix that. Otherwise, G-O-Merging is perfect,...
I might be getting Contact Lenses today. YAY!!! There is also a 70% chance of me getting Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 for the Mac! Double Yay!
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum... Feel free to move it if it is not where its supposed to be... Name:Legend's Blade Genre:...
They seem to switch on and off every minute or so, If you have them interlocked with something, Yank it out of there
- Tip Problem (If the 360 tips over while on, It severely scratches the disk beyond repair :cry:) - RRoD (You do not know how many times i've...
holyCRAPYAY!!! An awesome first map! Good Job... (Looks at your username) Oh Knarly! I do not see any flaws with this one, Nominating for...
Nah, Can't right now. Mah Basement is flooded
This looks nice dude! very good, Interlocking 4.5/5 Appearance 5/5 Playability ?/5 I do not see any flaws about this one. Good Job! 4.8/5