Well... Song length: Short NO, Long YES PLEASE, Solo VERY YES Catchy Guitar Riff VERY VERY YES Jack Black-ish Falsetto YES Songs...
Hey Cosmic are you coming out with any new maps? Oh and that was me that sent you a friend request a couple months ago on XBOX LIVE
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/79341-rock-band-network-huge-announcement.html#post961344 This is Your Chance! See you on...
PRAISE THE LAWD! This is me and TSB's chance! This is amazing. I Have to get this to the other three quarters of my band NAO Harmonix As...
What ROFLninja said fo sho This is Wicked cool Dude! I wish i had the time and Know-how of Halo 3 Physics to make something like this. And...
Heh. Yeah he is Beast, Have you heard "Jordan" and "Soothsayer"?
You are OBSESSED. With Buckethead, Right?
IMMA RENTIN' THAT NEXT!!! All i know is Guitar Hero Aerosmith was not great
Even though i won't be old enough for college until 6 years from now, I'm thinking of either acting (Like movies and TV stuff) or Game Design...
"Tonight Will Be the Night" by Secondhand Serenade My big bros. ex-girlfriends favorite song
My point exactly mike I understand the addition of drums. But yeah, Why get SH when you already have the other games?
LOL! thats cool
World tour was great other than the fact that i didn't know a third of the songs and the other third was made up of Rock Band 1&2 songs (The...
Well. I rented Guitar Hero Smash Hits and i was excited to be playing songs from other guitar hero games that i've either not played, or have not...
This is just amazing. Perfect in every way. I just finished testing with my brother and we both agreed that the interlocking is perfect, Gameplay...
1. Brother, Where Art Thou (Comedy) 2. Saving Private Ryan (War) 3. Superman (SuperHero)
Holy W. Shatner! This is a cool effect, TIP: Select few people like KillBall+Juicy FX Combo, Just thought i'd tell you that. But good Pic Keep it...
Smash hits came out in June. And ACDC Track Pack you have to buy at a store but you must live in another country because Smash Hits and ACDC Pack...
Uh. No. People will not DL without seeing the map first. How are they supposed to know if its any good? Take pics of your map then go to Halo...
I want these games but i can't find them: Guitar Hero: Smash Hits Rock Band AC/DC Track Pack Help Please?