It's average I'd have to say, sorry. It looks good but if the floor was interlocked it'd look better. I like the scoring idea though,...
Thanks I really appreciate the comments. To be honest I thought this was gonna be a total bust but heck so far 119 downloads (recorded 11:30...
It looks fun, but I've played and the ball return system doesnt work very well and theres barley any interlocking.I'm not just saying this cause I...
Great This looks like a definite download
Drop dead gorgeous. 1,000,000/1,000,000
Wow, better than I can do...
Thanks for all the support guys.
i can honestly say that's not half bad 9/10
Wait.. Wait what? the bowling name is Zak's bowling and my fileshare says Zak's Bowling
Time to make:6-7hrs Hi, I'm Zachary9990 and this is my rethought and redone bowling map. Mine is different from the others and I believe that...
Very impressed I really can't say that I like soccer maps, but this one might change my mind.... finally no more lost balls in the bleachers or...
I can make you a video if you want... I have Pinnicle Studio's (same as Digital ph33r) and a capture card that came with it which isnt as good as...
Do you have a really cool map that just can't be described in screenshots? Send me an in game message and show me your map, maybe i'll play a few...