This map feels like CE did to me. I love the layout and the way you designed it so that the flag is easily defendable from a team-based view. I...
It was a good attempt but, to be honest, it looks like it but it doesn't feel like it. Nor does it look well made at all. You may have hit most of...
Actually, i started from scratch. The map you have decided to slander took days of going back and forth between games to get it up to a high...
what good is a remake if it isn't remade? The Bungie reimaginings might have been ok, but not at all like the original map. Even an added wall can...
The bases are fine. I can't get the angle of the screenshot the exact same as the Blood Gulch picture. In the comparison picture, the bases are in...
The bungie version has these things different: It felt like a whole different map The cave was significantly darker and was missing a wall section...
This is the chat thread. Talk to everyone about anything you want ever on this thread. I'll set the mood; How is your day today.
Unfortunately, no. I am crap at stuff like that.
i will try it out and see. after that, i will go on CE and check if i can do the same in that. If the results are different, then i will make...
I like the thing on your profile that says,"In ur lolbox, stealin ur lolz." :)
Nyan cat left this universe to find more yummies. I can no longer hold on to the memory of nyan cat. But seriously, i was getting bored of my...
can you please specify? i have no idea what these "pillars" are. Are they the rocks or are they the struts?
I have never played Halo CE multiplayer in my entire life (except from going into Blood Gulch to remake it of course) but i knew that someone...
It's the fact that they removed the banshee when they brought Ascention back. If the other team got hold of the banshee then camping there would...
UPDATE: 1.2 OUT NOW Changes: - Some rocks have been moved to increase accuracy. - The water in the cave has been covered up with flat rocks. -...
Unfortunately, i don't have enough MS points to change my GT. If i did, i would change it to "FlagInYoFace" This is because i got an...
H3RP13S AND A1DS. You can come up with either; "You killed H3RP13S AND A1DS" or "You were killed by H3RP13S AND A1DS. XD
I can guarrantee that you will get at least 5 people from BTB matchmaking.