My stick series is better....... But this one is okay...
I had an idea similar to this, in a few days PM me and I can discuss my idea with you.
If you can wait a few days and live near the Northeastern Coast of the US, I can help.
I was thinking of writing a script so that some people could make a Machinima out of it. To help improve the script, I'm asking the community:...
How do you get into the pelican? What button do you press? Where can you get in?
I want money. I have great forge ideas. I will make them soon. Is it possible to sell them after I finish?
I guess I should get a 360, better all around. I already played Uncharted 2 on PS3 soo... 360 it is but what am I gonna do with all these PS3...
I'm trying to decide whether to get X360 or PS3, and it pretty much comes down to which Map Creator is better. I don't know what to decide. Can...
Looks cool and compact. All you need with the least amount of space. Just the way I like it.
Unless Kat is laying on the bed, I dont give a hoot. ((Seriousness)) It looks pretty cool.
It looks good for a first try, but some may think it resembles a damaged/destroyed battlecruiser. Maybe you should build on this before scrapping...
It does look just like a pile of junk. Either fix it or post more screenshots to prove that its worth downloading. Also, you need a 500 character...
you need to follow the rules: at least one video or picture of Map/GameMode 500 Character description of Map/GameMode your map should be...
For some reason I like the music better than the actual map :) But the map looks pretty cool
So, its like 2 bases miles from each other, and the warzone is in the middle of the span?
My grandmother died of cancer. Have a little heart instead of thinking of you and your forge maps all the time. The reason that this is stickied...
If you can wait maybe 1 or 2 weeks I can start playing forge with you, possibly. I have shitcan internet and no XBOX Live, but I think I'll get...
I think they are making a Halo variant for the PS3. Either that or they are making an MMOFPS-RPG, because a company was working with bungie a few...
If you can wait for a few days, I may be able to forge with you. I have a flying superfortress I was thinking about making (not a cruiser), with a...
Lol huge APC Support Dump Truck Vehicle thing Serious now, it looks cool, and the fact you can get inside is even better.