"And God can only hope someone reads our conversation... " Well I suppose some would call it eavesdropping.
---------- Example*, the next time one of your parents tries to berate you, just pull a wad of fiddys out of you pocket, throw one of the fiddys...
Ahah, your loss ^-^
Eeyup. Have you tried it? /like a drug
That shouldn't be a problem. The system is used purely so that our members are made aware of any maps which have the benefit of critical acclaim....
(/===========----- (Pegasus brohoof)
You know, I was looking back on our old conversations from Skype back in January when I was all like "Pfft, ponies." Aha, and I was genuinely sure...
I agree that building pieces aren't necessarily bad. I think they're only a problem if their forms comprise the majority of a map. Then, the map's...
I'm sure you could figure this out with enough research beyond a google search, since asking the fans for an immense amount of detail is probably...
There seem to be a lot of breaks around 0:50 in your video. Small nooks within the rocks mean that players can just chill in an area in which no...
This looks similar in shape to Asylum, with its open spaces between vantage points. However I feel like your map doesn't have enough cover in...
I really like the look of the red defense area near the camo. The verticality of it looks like it could make for some good defense/offense...
Yeah dude, sounds awesome. If I see you online, it's on! After today I'll have a week nefore my next exams, so I should definitely be free.
Um... yup.
Sure, if you see me online feel free to shoot me a message!
Hey, wassup? I'm well. It's fine that you left, do don't feel bad. We've all got to get back to life sometimes. Besides, you can't write reviews...
Nope nuthin'. Edit: Scratch that, I got it. I'll see what I can do.
Haha, yeah... My friend got me into them, and now I can't stop!!! Figured I'd make it official.