Dammit, I love your custom title.
Awwww, ihategrey.
Yeah, actually.
Yea .
Did you get my PM about the new system?
Your names... are so random... Also, sheeyit. [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]
Hype train. Hype! Awwww yeeaaa, november is best month!!
The main reason I created the new thread was so that we could discuss what we do want from the system, not what we don't want. If you want to keep...
Sorry for the edit, but I thought that might spark things off again. Nothing personal.
Awwwwww yeeeeeaaaaa [IMG] Grats on orange by the way!
You're so fascinating.
Pahaha I'm laughing so hard right now! Only with ponies... <3
Yup. Good stuff, though I can't say I agree entirely. Of course, I wouldn't be satisfied if everything continued as it is, but I was hoping we...
Reminds me of me and Pac. We just put it in PMs and now we never talk to each other XD
I was going to write ---------- Your Avater. I love it. ---------- But then I saw Noxiw say pretty much the same thing D:
My heart skipped a beat and I stopped breathing when I saw this.
Well it might be redundant in a few weeks, but sure! I'll do that when I'm not on my iPod.
Season 3 preview gogogo