Hello there, Would you be interested in helping me organising a Grifball Marathon/Tournament? I would really like it if you backed me with support...
You could always get the acheivments legit. They are really easy acheivments. Now im not just saying that because I think im good (because im only...
Congratulations on Copying my title, Youve won!
stfu, dont ruin it for me this is the first time ive been happy in ages. So dont ruin it for me.
Do you want me to get a better marking so its a bit more clearer?
I cant believe no one can see it, Look real carefully and close and you blatantly see a :)
I know its a flash light but, look at the texture
Yes folks a new easter egg has been found by your one and only maddflash. BUCKLE UP AND SCROLL DOWN AND PREPARE TO SEE THE MOST AMAZING HALO 3...
The shotgun looks awesome in this pic
I love this picture too..
Yeah suicided myself to kill the last point.
I dont get why many people say it is though. Bungie say it is.
Thats what i think, but many people say its cheating.... Being a 24 Sargent isnt cheating.... Also im doing it on my own in lone wolves. So im...
no head 4 u
This pic was the aftermath of spider cheif. The head bent and hit the wall in such away that it went fully into his body, shame i couldnt get the...
You can tell it wasnt staged with a weapon too, because if you see carefully hes holding the rocket firmly in one hand. Caught this in matchmaking...
This pic was taken at the same time as spider chief when i suicided myself this was the other guys result ^_^
No lifts involved. got this pic after getting an overkill in matchmaking. Lol granande overkill and one of them had overshield lmao.
Can i haz head pls?