Blackout v1.2 Bathed in frozen moonlight, this abandoned drilling platform is now a monument to human frailty. 4-12 players. Don't read the rest...
His other level 50 friend said to me "no offense maddflash, but your gonna get raped". So when i won the game he ignored me then removed me from...
There is geo-merging. I put a double box into the crane.
This is awesome, i can never find decent stuff like this. You should make it so you can pick what day you want to be in so you can maximize the...
its his legit account.
So this guy was bragging about how good he was at MLG. He come into a game and started shouting his mouth off. He was good, He had a 50. So I was...
No one wants to play CTF anyone wanna join and play CTF, MLG or something else thats fun. gt: maddflash
Did any one enjoy digging around in the ground as knuckles on sonic adventure 1. I use to do it all day long. It was fun. Getting random speed ups...
The map has been updated to include more barriers and the man cannons spawn after 180 to allow an all out battle with flags before quickly jumping...
Smark-Stations This station leaves grim memories of the once alive covenant hostiles. Recommended Players: 2-8 Map: Foundry Map Variant Size:...
Hey there, Ive just finished building the basics of a map and I would like someone to help me put the finishing touches to the map, all help will...
Well I got the red ring of death today, needless to say I was quite annoyed, but i'm not one of those guys who sits back and does nothing. I went...
How are you coping without xbox live, im coping alright as i can still paly online through this program i have :)
Does anyone else find it stupid that Assembly's textures looks exactly like Cold Storage's textures? Its a bit silly, because then people will...
Exp Reset: : Inside Bungie : News "You will now have a separate military rating (based purely on EXP) in each playlist. When TU2 goes...
Well around november. It says on the forums. But also, All the maps are ready and finished. A estimated price of the maps is 1,600 M$...
There isnt a netrual flag, And he did not fail. Its not his fault if he could figure it out. Your a failure for slapping a failure on people.
Before I start I would like to say this is NOT A WHINEY POST. Anyway getting on to the topic. In recent Website Updates, bungie stated a few...
You know, The only reason why you think this map looks sloppy is because of the fence wall hill, Interlocked Fence walls look horrible. None of...
Even though nothing in that post had absolutly nothing to do with Halo 4, People still make a rumor out of it. Congratulations!