Everything is how it should be there should be no reason for it to not work.
Nope, I have full admin control. Whats really interesting is that there isnt any registry keys that have been entered for Halo 2 Vista. Might...
I have a fresh install of vista, Installed it a couple of hours ago. I have downloaded all necessery drivers.
I have alot of memory installed on the PC yes. I dont know where to check it with vista though. I think its a 1GB. The update goes to install then...
So I downloaded Halo 2 Vista(Legally) and put in my Serial key and everything.(Its virturally impossible to get a cracked serial key for H2 Vista,...
You are a genius.
Actually, If you wait a little bit. Bungie is bringing out a tool which will let your record your recordings on halo to a .WMV, To do this, all...
If your on about halo custom edition which is legal to mod then go to www.halomaps.org - Halo CE Maps, Halo 2 Vista Maps, Halo Movies files and...
Its not "DA HITMAN 117" Is it?
dont be a drama queen
Awesome, this map looks very neat. I like "cave" maps :3
Well at least when he gets an overkill and goes holy ****, He actually does it.
I have no idea on how to check assists, Its not on the bungie.net stats page.
This is a bit simple isn't it, good idea though :D
I don't think that MC should be given a face because it will just take a way some mystery in halo. In my opinion, one of the key things of why...
Overshield at the ready
no, i wanted people to chat about there experience with life and death(lol) at MLG, dont get a huge boner over the fact that I said something. I...
Well this is a good idea but to be honest you should of done it in a more scenic area, Yeah I know its hard to work with but if you stick with it...
Im a level 31 in swat, but swat is boring.
actually guys you dont have to get a period over it. Im not bothered if my K/D ratio was 0.00000000000001. It was just something I wanted to share...