I like the background and the lovely BR, I dont care for the green armor color.
Look at my map, MLG Instinct and tell me what you think I should do to it.I know I need to straighten the stair scenery in the middle, and I know...
I like the lighting, wish you could see the whole snipe though.
Perfect looks pretty cool but 2nd shot is just a different angle.
Half is by far my favorite, are the pics of you or did you just take them?Great pics.
I Downloaded the map, I walked through it, and everything is really smooth/Clean.Needs a little more cover around hill area.I would leave valley...
OK, Thank you, I didnt think I had done that.I only went to page 5 on the MLG Maps.I did recieve an infraction.Now that I know what Necro-Posting...
I recieved a infraction, though it seems minor I dont wish to get in trouble on FH.I am not capable of avoiding the problem if I dont know what it...
What is necro-posting?
no, I read about it but didnt understand.
With all the objects/scenery you have to forge with, this reminds me of the 1st racing maps like on The Pit...
Every one has already mentioned the bad, Seeing as how your new to forge hub. Im assuming your new to forge period, because there is no merging or...
Great map I love Dubs and this map is fun to practice/Warm up against nubs or friends in lol Keep it up.And I absoloutley love the Name good choice.
The fence box with the Fence wall aesthetics, feals like it was just thrown in there to fill space, think another struicture of some sort or...
Aesthetics are outstanding I think, Great job.I havnt got to fully test it, friends are all offline right now but will l8er.Keep it up.As for...
Im queing this right now off name alone.I got a map with the same name check it out see what you think.Great minds think alike I guess.To your map...
Deffinately one of my favorite racing maps,Vary smooth glad it got featured.Congrats.
Have you ever tried putting a grav lift facing the wall that you can punch to simulate the part where the energy shields are(the core or w/e)?