yeah. But for the minigame maps, they should be added to action sack to give the people who forge minigame maps a chance at MM fame.
Doesn't anyone think that most of the maps on this site (about 60%) beat most of the maps on MM. This is why i suggest a Forgehub Playlist. It...
Community maps in MM are either so bad that people don't want to play on them or the other alternative offers more power weapons, vehicles, etc. I...
There were soldiers who shot a boys parents while he watched in Homefront. If that doesn't tick for you then his heartbleeding cry will. :1
Well you came to the right place. For mingame maps post in the casual forum. For slayer and objective maps post in the competitive maps forum. For...
I love this map. All of the aesthetics match each other and gameplay looks to be good. Great job.
well considering it was made for the 5000 budget contest you can't say that the guy who made this deserves our congratulations. Unlike the other...
The looks of this map are brilliant. It also fells great and the position in forge world is unique and fits the feel of some CE maps. No doubt the...
Its a great map you've got there. The similarities to CE are ok. I know you weren't going for a remake but some more stuff to make the map look...
Buy Deus Ex: Human Revolution and save up for Halo CE Anniversary and afterwards, get Saint Row The Third or MW3.
Aesthetics stop the map from being boring to look at. Even some interesting things as cover around the map could distract players from the boring...
Thanks for the comment. I basically done the basic layout and then went back and added pieces that i like to use as decoratives like ramp,...
Count me as one of your testers. My GT is Aleksnipez37. I'd be happy to take part in testing Brimstone. If all goes well, i'd say this could make...
This is a map that is currently at the pre release testing stage. It is asymmetrical and has medium range sightlines. I used very few blocks and...
that area is used very often as it houses a shotgun. You can't call it an accurate remake if you haven't even tried to change the map for the...
Every change to increase the accuracy of your remake is important. What if the eiffel tower had 3 normal legs and 1 leg painted green. They...
click on the link that pyro gave. It shows how to make them and how they work.
Since you liked the Nyan Cat avatar i found something even better. Fat Nyan Cat!
Im going for Anent. The fantastic gameplay, awesome teleporters and clever use of underused objects makes it one of my all time favourites.
Finally a person with 4 good, serious answers! BTW jump pads are like grav lifts that are activated only by pressing "a" when standing on them.