Ce koth This is the gametype i will be linking to when i remake a CE map. It has the team classic settings excpet the assassinations are off and...
This is a gametype that i will be linking to whenever i remake a combat evolved map. it has the team classic settings except that assssinations...
Actually, i remade Blood Gulch and got more than 100 downloads. And it doesn't show that i have no creativity. It shows a skill in being able to...
I want a map that provides movement controlled by weapons (like the shotgun in Asylum) but not too much power. Something that has long range...
Wow! 650 downloads is more than i have gotten for all of my maps put together. I do have a couple that got over 100 but thats impressive to say...
Name of Gametype: Neutral Return Author: Aleksnipez37 Info: Like CTF except the flag returns are neutral.
i want to remake a map that was in Halo 2 or CE. didnt you read the rules?
I went on youtube and took a look at some gameplay videos on burial mounds and i am impressed. i will definitely be remaking burial mounds....
I do want to do burial mounds because i like the way the map feels and the way it plays but i can't be bothered until enough people think it would...
Hey guys. I enjoy remaking maps from the old Halo games because usually with a map i spend ages worrying if it's bad or not. With remakes i have...
you've got that right. Bungie picked maps that were the sort of thing that i would make in Halo 3. By that i mean a piece of crap. Anyway, i...
this map reminds me of terminal for its detailed structures and courtyards overlooked by tall buildings. It also remids me of last resort with its...
i thought about remaking terminal with the killball as the train but the killball is too big and doesnt match the aesthetics of terminal
Hey there. Every so often i make a map that i cant be bothered polishing. Then i make more maps and now i have ended up with a ton of maps that...
it may be that they were removed from my file share. ill put them back on.
i know but for a game that has 3 million players and 11 million registers its a bit dissapointing that the quality for 1.8 is currently not very...
the thread thumbnail.
You see im trying to drop the conversation because nobody believes me. And swearing is bit unneccesary, dont you think? Anyway, there is a list...
Player Count: 6-8 Compatible Gametypes: All except infection and invasion Collision is a map where some rules of engagement are broken. For...
Apparently, its if you use the furnace during the day, then minecraft crashes. I lost a few iron ingots to that one...