Hey Nerdness, there is just a few things i need to clear with you concerning your impatience (im not trying to offend you). This isn't like...
yeah i will ask for your help when i need it. Until then, i will continue the slow process towards finishing the map.
I have some amazing footage for you. Its a partly finished CGI cut scene. Halo4Follower's Channel - YouTube
Thanks for the inspiring words. I will make two versions of each map. The first will be a thourough remake and the second will be tweaked to fit...
I can't say enough how amazing this map is. Very few maps manage to take CE gameplay and tweak it to suit the way that people play today without...
i have had similar experiences. There are just too many snipers on that map.
oh. there was a guy in that machinima called Psychoduck so i thought it was you...
Yeah i still play it. But when CEA comes out then that old version will be left to gather dust in the ROM.
I'm definetely getting it. Apoco Fists, flying sedways and epic new character customisations.
Hello there. If you want to post maps then go to the custom content section. If you want to talk then go to the discussion sections. If you want...
Hi. I was wondering who here still plays Halo: Combat Evolved because i still play it and even though it's extremely outdated i still find it fun.
Assembly. The gameplay is so repetitive and whenever you go for the gravity hammer, you always know that your going to die and sure enough, you...
Did you take part in a Left 4 Dead machinima? I think it was called profound moments in Left 4 Dead.
The link's broken. Apart from that, i love the look of this map. It looks like a sleek design.
thanks for the luck, Cryppy!. I have seen remakes of both of these maps but as you said they weren't that well made. I hope that both of these...
I love knowing new things aout the forerunners. Thanks a lot for this juicy tidbit of info. :) Edited by merge: I have a theory about the Halo...
I'm thinking of putting a killball instead of the train. Either that or a 10 second kill boundary would work well. It's a slow process and they...
Hey there. I am iun the process of remaking the classic multiplayer maps Terminal and Burial Mounds. As many of you probably already know, i...
im not going to. 343 has already done a better job thn anyone can of remaking some of the greatest maps of all time.
Ce ctf This is the gametype that i will be linking to when i remake a CE map. The settings are the same as team classic but assassintions are off...