really hoping to see taylor lautner's sexy bod but this works too... lolz, but thats cool needs moar colors imo
yea the border actually does go all the way around its just really thin on the top and bottom. and thanks for teh compliments
you know those lighting storms inside of volcanos? you should try some stuff with those!!! also this looks beautiful
yea same here. last one is best. others aren't great. i'm bad at getting this right but you should try better text
hey um. my computer HD crashed a while back and i'm trying to re-install PS cs5 64bit. but i can't find the amtlib.dll file for 64bit anywhere! im...
sorta kinda the wrong forum but cool stuff. ever think you'll use that much HD space?
yea i think QKT is just mad at the effected ignorance. It's not about what you did. this isn't some "whos better at PS forum" it's graphics and...
agreed. i was gone for what? 2 months... zero improvement. i went completely out of my way for you, more than i have for anyone on this site ever....
yea i also have blender... I don't like it, theres to many key shortcuts to remember. laaame
im not looking to stick to 3d text
hmmm. c4d seems really easy though... what program would you suggest?
thanks for the tips. lol, i'll go try and find some
take note i've had c4d for about an hour/ also anyone have some good tuts?
well actually the stock has a red light on the right side of his face and before i changed the colors lighting was natural. didn't notice it...
i youtubed auto tuned wolves... epic
seems a bit like you posted just to post, take your time because this seems like you just spammed the peice with default brushes and added. your...
...to finish where i left off your definitely not Hebrew