TimeSplitters 2 - Dead Fraction - Platinum - YouTube eh, more or less
We should hold a mass suicide above the clock tower and if he doesn't change it... splat
Everyone's story was the same: [img]
**** hybrids. destroy the earth. get a hummer.
With enough bitching, there's a chance Dev will disable it. Quite frankly, while it is neat and does (I use that word lightly) add more depth to...
all different games. like Pino said, preference. From H3 to Reach is a whoooooole new ball game. Clearly there is going to be some bitching and...
Yeah man, what he said. The Tar-21 is one of the series' greater guns. Like Mick said, irons are good as hell on that thing, just slap a silencer...
Freestyle Rap Battle: Translated - YouTube mine's better.
I don't think redundant is the word either of you were looking for, perhaps monotonous. Anyhow, I can't say that Black Ops did 'differentiating'...
I was just sitting here and **** started shaking. I thought it was the end, and to my brief disappointment, it was not.
Felt it in NJ. All I've been reading about on Facebook for the last hour and a half.
apparently people didn't know you could purchase content for your games via the marketplace. dumb.