That was all mediocre until the song in the credits :D Nah but nice run. I always seem to do something similar. Ill be driving like a pro and...
This is very clever! Ice cream man was always a fun mini game to break up the time in between longer custom games. The way you have managed to get...
So I think we have all learnt something from this: Post a map where the name is 1 character and you'll easily reach 6 pages of posts... Also this...
Im here crawling along at 200kb/s max...
Haha dw that was a joke you guys all do great stuff!
I WANT SNOW! Seriously, Im craving it. Breakpoint just wasn't enough.
I never got it but I can assume that becos of the Saiga's automic functionality it will become my weapon of choice with 12 Gauge Slugs and 4x...