But much much better.
Wow... I'm just speechless.
Thats filthy [the bass suddenly drops]. Seriously that looks hectic. Very organic (in a flood way), dark, creepy and good looking. The only thing...
THIS is what I do. Although, at first copy word for word so you get and understanding BUT dont use it as your title. Rather use the tools you...
Linkin Park's 'A Thousand Suns' album has this sort of thing in several of the songs, but thats rock.
Its... not great. You havn't really used any effects as such, its basically just text with key-framed letter values and some particle world...
Best. Game. Ever. Its ****ing hilarious because it doesn't take advantage of multi touch at all so you can only do 1 thing at once (eg accelerate...
Now we cant play online together :( EDIT: WHAT THE CRAP? Why do I have to update the game the day after i buy it!! **** it, hd content installing...
Yeah nice looking map but as for the bases think avalanche. Yep, teleporters. Go, go, go. Keep up the solid effort.
Want a render? You got it. :)
Thank you DICE: News: Battlefield 3 Screenshot Compares Xbox 360... | gamezone.com
Im going to go out on a limb and say that I think I have the best computer setup out of all of you (dont be hatin' cos its a mac): [IMG] Oh btw I...
Dunno if you guys have seen this: Halo Anniversary Vidoc 2: Campaign, Kinect and more! - YouTube
This looks nice... Ah what am I kidding looks bloody amazing! Great job guys. Too bad Im bored of reach otherwise I love to hit up a game with...
**** why are abused baby dolls always bloody scary! Nice (scarring and nightmare inducing) shots, especially 2. Pedo-doll is coming to get you.
Yeah why is there such a price difference between Aus and America? With the dollar conversion atm we should be paying less. Anyways, Im probs...
Thanks broskies This map looks pretty awesome and was blast to edit the video for!
mmm shmexual They look awesome. Btw you should make more desktop backgrounds using these photos maybe?
Supply Bridge 2 by mefire66
YOUR SETUP IS OSSUM! God damn now I wanna connect my xbox up to a large projector screen... OMG I JUST REMEMBERED THERE IS ONE IN MY FAMILY ROOM!...