Yeah im still up for it, shouldnt take long. Just having a bit of internet issues at the moment but it should be fine by the time you send me the...
Pegasi is wondering whats happening wih the throwdown 2v2 videos. Are they still able to be recorded and captured?
I was going to edit them but stevo was going to capture them cos i dont have a cap card. However i have not recieved any footage from him. :/ ill...
This child needs to go outside.
**** yeah!
Agreed. Everyone else stop hatin on Nyan cat :P
Yeah im down message me for details
Heres a boredom and procrastination fueled photoshop for you guys to admire (and critique)... [IMG] stocks: [SPOILER]
I think I get but dont cha think a video would've been better? If its under a minute I can render it for you cos I don't us my render minutes for...
Ok so I played Skyrim on a friend's computer the other day and the first thing that happened was I discovered some hectic vampires keep inside a...
Windows: Premier Pro Mac: Final Cut p.s: -snip-
Swapped the text, cbf do anything else on it.
S by psychoderp
Dedicated to a mate who recently had pretty bad stack while freeboard... The sig speaks for itself. [IMG] stock: [SPOILER] also CnC please.
Holy crap this looks really awesome. I love how much effort you put you into that spire to make it look almost like an exact replica of the one...
I always use the wog on Spire.
This was put together by me and my friends for a mobile film competition. Filmed with an iPhone 4S and Samsung Galaxy S2. Mario on Marimba -...
Ouch... all of them? I have only ever released one which was awesome, a second which did fail and a third at the moment that already is good and...
So if I don't sign up Im all good? Ty for the heads up.