No no no. I hadnt adjusted the font when i made the screen capture. I can post the final image if you want?
Christmas card. :D
Well my internet didnt work today so i finally finished the campaign... it sucked. Now back to multiplayer.
HOLY **** I found the fix. It was so simple yet overlooked. When the move tool is selected there is an option that says 'auto-select'. I must've...
That fixed the text problem but it still drags whatever is behind the cursor when I click instead of moving the selected layer. Any ideas on that?
Just saying but when I play infection I stray away from the main group of people and play solo, no hiding, and skill fully. If people are around...
Look up Altec Lansing and look at some of there sound systems. They have a good range of speakers for any need.
Didnt even realise this. Whats this mean for communism?
I honestly remember this vaguely back in the days of Halo 3 for the soul reason of that sexy half pipe roof and curved column thingos in the...
As others have said, needs more height variation and beauty. Only thing its got going for you at the moment is its simplicity (which in any...
I did this once... it turned into one guy spinning a grid whilst we all enabled glitched armour lock and had mid-air, pointless, bouncing,...
True dis. The map looks rather elegantly forged and decent in layout. Bit grey but hey its forgeworld. Aceofspades has point which kinda...
Just saying M39 EMR with holo or red dot sight is amazing.
IRRELEVANT WHAT I HAVE IN THE FILE :P why does my cursor do that?
Updated OP, added in a screen recording.
Im hoping someone here can help me out with this one. I've tried searching for an answer but to no prevail. Basically, the move tool should only...
Do you really base a battlefield game on its campaign? Multiplayer is ****ing worth buying battlefield 3 for.
I was sad because it was so good until the last bit where it dropped to a 12 year old acting level with bad sound effects.
Brool story co, welcome to fh.
Holy **** I've disabled a jet with an RPG before but not like that!