Oh btw did I mention that I am making the video for your map now, if you release without a video I will go over to your countries and beat you,...
Im amazed at how you've managed to pull this off! I think this gets the award for the most economic use of pieces ever seen in any remake. Wow, I...
Looks pretty cool. Lol @ Berb. Yeah and post some more pics...
Delete all the bomb spawn and plant zones and redo them following what Psychoduck has said. Sounds like a weird glitch but just redoing them might...
I get pissed off at those stupid wall coliseums and their slight 1 degree movement.
Not bad but the problem is that the few new pieces 343 gave us clash with the textures of the forgeworld pieces and make some areas look messy....
I just hope halo 4 has another epic warthog run at the end. Reach failed in that department so lets see if they bring one in this time.
Tis in meh fileshare
Easiest way to avoid this is every time you start a new forging session just reload the map from the menu. I have lost no maps doing this simple...
Except battlefield 3 where no one ever complains about anything.
Ok Imma try and explain this cos its a sweet idea: Where the top platform meets the turbine, you should angle those walkways so they are in the...
Doesn't affect the frame rate that much, however good luck trying to build around it cos bungie placed a bunch of invisible walls around where the...
I always love playing games where I go 25 kills + and yet my team still loses.
Haha well i stayed up in bateau bay with some mates, got a bit too drunk, passed out, woke up, sobered up a bit, went to sleep, woke up at 8...
Nah Sydney
Hey mate what part of Aus are you from?
The other day I pulled an all nighter with friends and at around 5:20 am we drove to a place called North Head which is about 20km away from where...
My gripe is that the ball should be emitting a bright blue glow over the hand. Other than that, it looks good.
Seeing as your a graphic designer I reckon you should try out splicing (if you havnt already heard of it link. If not then I think for the front...
Amazing. I would add to this with my Reflection shots, but because I took them whilst offline it wont allow me to upload them to my fileshare.