The only major draw back is the absence of proximity traits which was kind of a leading aspect of Asset in Halo 3.
Oh yeah the sig was actually made around the time when my friend had a pretty bad accident whilst longboarding (hence 'freedom can be our...
I dont always lose a map like this, but when i do, it thinks a map forged on forgeworld should load up a map on spire.
I can but i dont often
KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS! Bro Im kidding. This looks pretty awesome and Im just gonna say that you have some fine sketching skills.
To much walkway, not enough larger play space. At least from what I can see. Looks pretty decent though.
Wow this looks awesome, especially with those effects. Just an idea but: - Phase 1 should be a sneaky attack from land (the gulch) and they...
I generally use the iron sight on most weapons unless it completely obscures your vision (FAMAS). If I do use a scope its most likely the reflex...
I find Im a reckless warthog driver that always somehow gets out of sticky situations with both me and my gunner alive.
Sounds alright, but couldn't they put their gametype creation thingo to better use and GIVE US VIP?
Call it Glory Hole, cos its glorious and still keeps your placeholder name :P But srsly this looks pretty awesome. Just hoping frame rate isnt an...
Far cry was a ***** of an editor to use. Too tedious, keep forge like it is now but just give us a wealth of new objects and locations to forge on.
bahaha fllr
I believe you should rethink your direction because this is not entertaining.
Your videos really need more substance, more editing, and more actors.
You are entirely correct. Through trial and error I found this out myself and a simple fix is to just plug in another controller. Make sure the...
Wow this looks pretty awesome. Love the lava pit and the rock tunnel however I reckon you should a light in the rock tunnel to brighten that a...
[IMG] No but seriously what are you actually referring to?
Inevitable seeing as 343 now own halo. It just means that all your stats will be on 343's website instead now, or at least whatever they are...
They could but it would be pointless. That just wouldn't work with halo's matchmaking style and drop pods? No. It is annoying when half your...