[img] [IMG] NO.
So I dont know how an aesthetic map preview works out, i cant give too many pictures or thats the same as the thread itself... so [spoiler] I...
Well to be honest, this makes no sense. Adding objects to a remake would no longer make it a remake, but a 're-imagining'. Also, using jet-pack on...
Found it and Accepted.
Yes :p you're fine LD.
You will have to look at endless amounts of aesthetic maps. After the submission thread is locked, you will be given a set amount of pages to sift...
You look like a pink boss. Congratz!
why nice to meet you, ¯\(°_o)/¯. I'm zatherla.
We currently have an abundance of pens. So you are not needed, carry on.
You get to view hundreds of aesthetic maps.
[img] Banner made by Oakley Hidef Why hello, fellow forgehubbers, an aesthetic contest is underway (NOT WONDERS OF THE WORLD II) and we need AS...
Dear Sargeant Sarcasm, While thinking to myself a few hours ago, I vividly remembered all the great times we had; talking to eachother,...
I lyk the tentacle loli.
im sorry bloo jay, but you did, infact, say that on my blog. Please go to the 2-3 page of my visitors comments :p and you delete the visitors...
Llolololololololkololoolololol v
Yeah, it must be amazing. When do you want to start working on it?
Please, what do you want from me? I'll do anything, let's just start fresh
Then I'll give it to you when it's your birthday, Please, let's just be friends.
Thats a shame :( I made you a map for your birthday and everything :(, Sarge, take this *gives sarge my heart* as a token of my appreciation
Sarge, Im sorry. Ill give you a derpy picture of me to make a meme out of. And you and I will be close friends.