I think you over-exaggerated. You knew what the link was, and you didn't want to click it.... So don't click it.
Where ever, Just make sure you don't build anything beside, or inside the waterfall. LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES.
There is a few modded ones that this guy makes.. Lord Cru- something. I don't think i'm allowed to post them here, but search him up.
Made the title before I even knew about him :p Whats a Scope?- A Halo3 Montage by Zatherla - YouTube Sum Luckee shots!
Was going to save up ones like these but I stopped playing MM. 17831735
So, If you guys havent heard about this by now, here you go. KONY 2012 - YouTube Discuss.
The contest is very much alive, Oakley and I need to get around to recording the announcement video though. Don't worry.
Artchitects were brownish, I just dont think it's right to give them grey, and giving them a shade wont make it more confusing because you know...
Mhm, It's just not alot of people look at the tank image when on a person's profile, which is why the colors matter the most, and if you think...
Shock, This is just my opinion and a suggestion, but I think Jr. Mods/Guardians whatever they're called shouldn't be the same color as Mods. OR at...
Gratz....? I guess?
sorry i necro bumped your intro thread.
Aha, Thanks for featuring my maps too ducain. Cant wait to download this when it comes out and do a few laps with my friends!
Holy crap. Wherehaveyoubeenmywholelife? I love it, from the texture, to the aesthetics, this map is amazing. Can't wait to download it when it's...
Map Name: Wonders of the World By SkybladePhoenix, Black Theorem, Zatherla Monument: Easter island head, Mini-Great Wall, stongehenge, Great...
WONDERS OF THE WORLD SUBMISSION MAP Zatherla Black Theorem SkybladePhoenix Hey guys, been a while since I've posted here, but here goes. This...
Aha :p Yeah, I haven't made an aesthetic map in a long time, trying to get back into it, it was fun. Cant wait to start making maps like these again.
I think I've shown it to you, and yeah, the forever alone sign is new and as accurate as I could make it :p Aha, yeah. :p Trying to steer away...
I'm sure we could have picked a different map if we had more time, but we start5ed this contest rather late, and this seemed to be our only...
In regular team slayer settings there is an option for this that doesnt take much skill to use. betrayal points: 1 so.... this thread...