Stevo, remweber those two permanent infractions TZ told you to give me? yeah, they were suppose to expire in august, can you tell Bloo to reverse...
Yes! Balloons, and cake, it'll be a blast!
oh, it'll have links and mouseovers, and gifs, and balloons, you just wait@
My HUD so far (ms painting like a boss?)
Haaaaapppppy birthday!
School project, had to use shading, hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling in some way. [img] [img]
remove the lines on the white part of the sword, just like the 'L' shape on the top of it. Also, hard to tell that there is green blocks behind...
Yeah, the dpad was rushed a bit, I redid it about 6 times, so I tried not to worry about it that much. No, couldn't find a stencil with that font,...
Got bored, FH was down, took out a piece of paper and my controller [img]
Clue By Black Theorem and CHUCK. 'bout time another gametype makes FHF
Good to finally see an official thread of this. dl'd and am decided whether to make a map of this or not.
Can you please remove my image cap for signatures? I have the preview of it in my latest blog post, thanks.
Dinnerbone has decided to postpone the new lighting system to 1.5. There are too many bugs in it right now. Also, Wood Wonk, if you have any...
Congrats on the feature, looks great.
I really like how much work you put into that curved part on the outside. although I think that's the part you put the most work into. I think...
Hmm, I'm considering buying this aswell. Looks amazing. See you guys on it soon.
Hmm, try calling up microsoft, or using HDMI instead, might be your AV cables.
I cried a little on the inside.
Hey zid, I think I still have you on my friends list, :p, anyway, welcome to forgehub. glad you could make it.
haaapppy birthday, man!