While this was never my favorite map in CE, I do keep remakes of the old maps on my hard drive and this will definitely be the new Chiron I use! I...
I would ask you to look over the message you sent, and think about how I should react when you insult 6 months of forging in three quick rude...
I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with this statement. i didn't feel as though this map was shoved down my throat at all. It was posted I saw the...
Thanks! I'm glad you like the map! I was hoping i didn't come across as harsh in my defense but the pm set me off a little. I was worried...
This is easily your best yet. The roof reminds me of faith a lot and I love it! I also like the call to keep the weapons limited your maps have a...
Well I won't speak for others but know that my friends and I have already played plenty of games on this map and love the way it plays. The middle...
There are so many great aesthetics in this map that it's hard to find a problem anywhere. I love the use of platforms and then using 1x4s to fit...
Thanks! There is so much in the Myst games that could inspire new maps. Myst Island is as close as I could get to the original game, but I've been...
I didn't know that, thanks for the tip I've been using the set to fix then back to normal trick since my first map, I'll have to try yours, Thanks!
It feels like we have two different styles in forging and that's fine. You think bridges make you vulnerable, I think they force good competitive...
The physics on the sword are normal not fixed. If you set up something as fixed then switch it back to normal it will stay in place while...
HAVEN V3 Haven Trailer Haven V3 Gameplay Trailer Songs Used: "La Mer (Beyond the Sea)" - Maggie Grace "All Along the Watchtower" - Bear...
While I'll be the first to admit the layout isn't specifically meant for slayer I believe it still proves to be an enjoyable slayer map. My...
Well at least you have an alternate opinion than others. Most think its too spread out. But if you read my above comment I'm already working on a...
Thanks again for you interest! You actually got me thinking and I plan on doing a V2 here in the next couple weeks. Its going to involve moving...
Thanks Eightball! You're right of course with the fact that I use rocks to break up a map a lot. And I do need to be a bit more creative with...
Ok I see what your saying, When play testing the map there were definitely times where confrontation was forced, but it never felt as though in a...
Thanks! The map outside the boat does have a series of walkways, however, they are broken up in the appropriate places with buildings and other...
[IMG] EDIT: This map works as a great infection map, however I have recently completed a version 2 that is completely revamped to accommodate...
I really like the layout of this map and it is eyecatching, but the upper walkway's lack of cover worries me. Other than that great job!