Howz could you do this to meeeez??? are you on XBL right now?
Zomg! Turboz! Noo!
Whoa.. You are teh sex-E!
Necro bump FTW/L
Balls. :lol:
Dude. It's just a visitor message. Life is short. Grab it by the balls.
Dirka Dirka?
team name: Moar Boobz PLZ?
still up for teh doublez thingy?
y halo thar gewd sir.
How could he be more original? It's a remake... Yay! Necro Posts rule!
I know the wraith's explosions don't hurt you, but do they blast and move around the movable objects?
I just did. : D Voted yes too.
Oh yeah i remember testing this waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when it was just a sqaure and the humans could run around. It was so laggy I said it failed...
Mission accomplished. : D
Nah, it's cool. I just can't resist being a smart ass :P Don't wury, it gon b k.
this need embeded pics and itz Not up to forgehub stadards :D LOLOLOOLOLLOLOLOLLOLOLOLL
This map is sexy, but I just have one question. Who is the creepy purple elite in the background of the first picture? He looks like a stalker....
Wtf? did you post your map, then comment on it saying "good forging"? What, did you think we wouldn't notice?
O RLY? Aw man, now I have to get more infractions...