hoping for 4 bars! here goes nothing!
Why hello there!
*ahem* *cough cough*
Geez, i tested this map with you probably for at least 900 hours. And this is like the exact same post as your blog. But has this been in progress...
did you just push a wall under the level and put a spawn point down there? (I know this has already been suggested in this thread but not the...
WOO Necro bump! I played this with you the other day, sampson, and it was uber fun, and it has inspired me to make my vip gametype on avalanche. <3
This is fairly easy, i could probably do this in about 15 minutes. Me and linubidix have experimented with this lots, all you have to do is get it...
Hey man, played on live with you a few times, just wanted to say this guide has helped me balance out my newest map, which has 2 maulers, 2 spare...
I believe this is the map i "walked in on" while you were "forging" and you were like "omg how'd you get in here?" and i was like "umm... the...
Wow, way to completely ignore my comment, sid. You always were a big meanie. >:(
heeeeeeeeeey whats up brah?
Boo, this map sucks, booooooooooooooo. jaykay, lololololololol. Pins and needles, pins and needles. I guess I'm the only one who noticed that...
what you mean by cbf?
sweet how close to finish are you?
cool, ok, so no splazer, sniper, hammer, sentinel beam, 2 shotties, and rockets? =P
Why hello, Lube! did you work on L7'd O (squared circle)'s weapons lately?
May i ask who orbitalblast is and why he sends me an invite like every 30 minutes? lol, i helped test this, but it sucks to be a zombie, waiting...
Why halo thar gewd sir
Question mark?
yahz i r teh knowz