lol coolant everyones seems the same for some reason because some to parts are always the same but if you look at the front behind the seats and...
here are the photos first [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Summery- Abondond mining facilty by the u.n.s.c officials because...
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
hey i downloaded this before it was featured and im just sying nice job getting it featured it was awsome
yup its just a few wepons with nothing extra added to them only 2 items it is a rocket launcher x2 spartan laser x2 and thats it
yeah i might have to tell you what i may have some free time today ill try doing it then
omg stop complaing about the black lines one person already said it so why do you have to repeat him are yall like followers or something?
lol thats funny
all the forge teqniqu=es tat areused in there are basicly up to date because ive updated it since i first made it origanly it was just ouside the...
dude null all my post have pictures but my last two so dont get all bent out of shape
well im a bad case at interlocking i never will get it right and this time i got pix yea
um i did this the day after halo3 came out i just never got to post it so really i made this and i havent seen anything like this so it is origanil
this is a drop ship that has landed on earth and you can get in through the port hatch on the bottom and you can get ontop of it for mantince...
pretty good id like to say though interlocking would be nice im a big mistake at that and i never will get it right but its difrent for everyone...
thx but its just the chalnge its kinda like bird hunting but im acctually giving them a chance to take over so you now
lol i really should but i hait taking pics going to bungie then saving going to photobucket or any photo host providers and then upload and format...
oh i fixed it now i forgot the slash on the first media at the end *EDIT* well i dont have a capture card and i realy dont know where to get one... this is a map where the attackers fall from the sky and into the water then die and the...