omg the point of the map is to be thrown around! how do yall not get that its been reorgnized around it to be 2 walls and ontop is a ramp do yall...
i didnt mean to post it in aesthetic but its really a competitive map
its a base outside the map defending from the attackers base
no the point was to be sloppy and he is just new to the site probably and doesnt know what to say but besides that yeh
oh but camo the point of the map is to be messy like i said literly "through it together" and its purposly messy then some if it was shaped
lol im not new to forging this is an older map i made long time ago and no one tell me just update it im not i like it how it is and i have way...
i duno just felt like adding a trap
yup and i forgot to show robbers base but its not much
i ment to say after that this is not my first map i dont know how many i have but heres a list pelican hanger tower war in the city drop ship...
what are you talking about my pictures are embedded i think your spaming my post
OK ive hurd to many people saying this "the maps sloppy and is not good interlocking" heres my answer "ITS SUPOSED TO BE THAT WAY NOOBS! I MADE...
this map is a remake of acension (obviously) and things arent exactly placed to to sice restrictions and its not perfectly interlocked either but...
the warthog dude is a turrert thats kinda hard to get to
ok offical this is under mini games not competitive and the rules are up at the top so i dont know what your talking about yes there are honer...
thx about
i did its the 5th pic but if you want it more detailed ill add it right now *EDIT* plz dont complain about the interlocking either *EDIT2*...
i found someone who is a poser he took my map and copyed it and changed it a bit if you lok at it its the same pelican design and exact placement...
the last one is the death penalty box the first one is the cops base second one is death penalty teleporter the third one is the way back out for...
this game is where you take the robbers to jail you can take them to the death penalty or send them to jail by saying freeze and they squat and...
last i chrcked trampolines where a circle