Hey can you change my name to Yo Mommas Foot because i want it to match with my Gamertag
can you please tell who might be in Staff or Admin
thanks anyways =)
Do you think you could change my name i want it to be Yo Mommas Foot like my Gamertag..... just asking ?
(For anyone posting after this guy) please don't post if you don't want me to help you with creating a Youtube video it can be counted as spam !
Hey Forgehub its me Walmartman ! Okay i will get to the point.... what i am doing is creating awsome new youtube videos to go with your next...
Thank you for not treating me as a normal forgehub member and insulting me on TheSilenceBroken's page i love it when people do that (sarcasm)
i was A Smoking Rat i just did it because me and my friends wanted to see how long it took to get banned from Forgehub it didn't take much time at...
please change your homepage because as i have the new forgehub look it is very very hard to read what im writing
when are you coming out with a new race map ?
This post is not up to Forgehub standards but anyway i clicked on the pics and the game and map seem pretty fun.
sorry bout that you can delete my posts if you want to there just clogging up the forums LOL
hey i don't know if you just banned me or not but i created the profile A Smoking Rat for a survey to see how quick i could get banned from...
Umm i hate to say this but i think you can't put a ceiling on the whole fricken map of foundry this map is WWAAAYY to big to put a ceiling on and...
I actually edited my gametype to 200 is way to fast !!
Can someone help me embed the video that would be nice thank you
[IMG] Background Story Max : Where....Are....We ? James : I think are plane crashed in some foreign Part of Russia Max : What the hell...
That's sad that your leaving here but I shouldn't care because your my friend on xbox live (LOL) !
He had a very very bad case of Elephantitis a disease that creates abnormally large limbs, face - exc but don't worry we don't have that in...
In pic 2 you can kinda see where the boxes outline is but other than that this is just so epic cool all your noob friends will be like MODDER to...