>.> Took that about 30 secs after conker posted the code in the sb.
PM Conker for Noble Six. <3
4 BAKED SPIDERS No, this is not a seqel to 3 Fried Ants, the name is just a reference because that was the greatest map of all time. Anyways, I...
Damn. A game with it's own conspiracy theory? I really need this. I'm definitely going to try and get it soon. For the generous people out there,...
All this means for Canadians is we're finally going to pay the same price as the Americans... Oh wait, I forgot, Canadians can only use feature...
Anyone want to buy me the alpha? <3 <3 <3 No but seriously. This is the best game ever and I gotta scrounge up some money into my paypal account...
The free version of minecraft is fun, but I watched a few vids of the alpha. I'm definitely getting it soon.
Haha, As soon as I saw yours I started doing the same thing. I'm going to make a background in Ps, but I need someone to be my friend, someone to...
Nvm. I subbed.
Wow. You're one of THOSE people...
Also, How much is minecraft and is it on steam? I watched a few videos and it looks awesome.
It ain't over 'til I say it's over... Also, the Reach event is today, so I'm leaving soon.
****. And thanks to a smartass comment in the shoutbox yesterday, I got SargeBanned.
I honestly enjoyed the update. What can you expect them to do? They've pretty much revealed everything except the campaign to the point of showing...
Ok ok, I'll stop. :P
hahahaha No smartass comment before the ban?
This is the exact same as this thread... Requesting Lock.
I'm elligible for all of them except the Marathon one. Well, that and the ones that we don't know how to get yet.
Just because the quality's being improved doesn't mean we'll be able to tell the difference much easier. No matter how hard microsoft tries they...