Invasion Slayer? It does exist, but it's really a mixture of slayer/koth.
He's right. Just don't expect your map to be tested until tomorrow, because until then it's still closed.
The people didn't seem human. All they did was shoot and throw grenades. They didn't even attempt to take cover which makes it look somewhat...
Sorry, for the past few days I've been checking that vid I put up on how to get the Make it Rain acheivement early... You wouldn't believe the...
I think it actually gets smaller... O.o Anyway, people that are already Lt. Colonel have no lives, IMO. Calm down and wait for the rest of the...
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I do recall bungie telling us of this glitch back when the guide to Invasion Forging was released... Full...
[img] Very Campable Area. If you got a snipe and got up there, you'd own the map.
IMO, Hemmorhage is too big. Also, Team Snipers on Hemmorhage is too imbalanced. The only posssible place the blue team can go for cover is their...
YouTube - Halo: Reach GLITCH - Earn "Make it Rain" Early - Walkthrough I discovered this glitch and posted it on a while ago without video...
Wait... You guys are bitching that you need more room to forge after bungie gave us something more than 3x the entire area of sandbox? ......
This happened to me as I was nearing the end of finishing a project. After roughly 6 hours of forging, it somehow got saved over by an invasion...
I'm sick of silly noobs teabagging... They should all get what they deserve like the guy in this video... Btw, flaming helmet is me. YouTube -...
Great map. It also just so happens to be made by a fellow BCer like me! Also, +r♥p
. wut? Do you mean you want to be able to edit map geometry and import it into reach? Because that's impossible. Bungie uses a modified version...
Meh. I might as well not then. Some people on tried it and were unsuccessful, anyway.
If I made a thread about how to glitch to get the "Make it Rain" Achievement in Reach, would I get infracted?
lolwut? I mean the objectives in the game.
Aah, k. I keep on revising stuff on it anyway. It has the objectives set all the way through, however.
New Alexandria is VERY easy. Literally the easiest mission of the campaign. The only thing you ever have to worry about is the banshees. Also,...
I've got a suggestion for a nice rain effect on forgeworld. Use Juicy, Purple, and Old Timey together. Every once in a while it flares orange due...