This looks pretty cool. I think i saw it somewhere else probably weeks ago. Seems pretty solid. I'll take a look around and get a game on it...
lol i didnt even get on :P Yeah, i might get on at like 2pm est
Yup. New FB profile pict lol
if you want me to be. just give me a time
ohey, happy birthday bro
if only i had one :/
:O I havent seen Creed, but i did the the begining of Schism. I crapped my pants when i saw it. If we're ever both on i would love to see or play...
yeah, like my first thought was to do a vector tree, and the panels change according to the seasons...but did this. ill probably go with the...
just been busy with other things. put it up incase i dont show up again lol...
You look all fancy and such /Mustache win
I wanted to try to make something where it's divided into 3+ more photos, but act like one. I'm sure this isn't one of the greatest photos to use...
Luke, I am your father.
creeepppyyyyyy cant remember where, but there was a video saying "thank you" or something meaning Ben was released or something...
fail. yeah, i already did
was the second one "truth.txt"?
the url you linked in the lolbox couple hours ago
Im reading the Haunted Cartridge story...creepyyyyyyyy I found a few parts from Zelda:MM already scary as a kid
The Used - I Caught Fire (Video) - YouTube