um. well what i think makes a good map is good gameplay(no framerate, balanced map, etc) as well as aesthetics. What really attracts me in maps is...
i was acutally joking :P /win
D: what? well at least you're having fun :)
but im almost done making it...
erupt is just angry because he wont be able to beat me at a 1v1 now since there's no bloom :)
im home and you're not on. /shame on u
yeah, thats cool. thanks :)
It's ok. I think we had a good like 2-3 hours testing everything else lol
wouldn't be that bad of an idea to have trees. As long as it doesnt cause framerate with some reason, im cool with it. It would be nice to have...
thanks guys. Glad you enjoyed it. The purple fx really does work with it. Im really surprised my self it has very very little framerate problems...
:D im so proud of u lol
>_> <_<
i was bored and i love typography lol its nothing special. I might. Seems like nice prizes. Iv been wanting to forge anyway.
also, glad you won the coin toss :)
...what quake can i play aerowalk?...
:O that looks epic. I wish forge had better curving pieces so that can easily be made...
when u get mappack released?
not made yet edit: getting quake 3 again. i think it has areowalk
lulz. yeah. it be nice if we get to the testing phase eventually. we get like 10mins into it and do something else lol so it might be a while