I, For one, am looking very forward to the new update. I think however the Kinect Friendly changes will not have as big as an effect for the...
I hate when Call of Duty fanboys say that Battlefield 3 "sUCKZ" and "CODZ IS BETTARZ!!!!!!11!" When in reality, Battlefield will be epic, and...
I want a Halo:ODST 2.
This. I really don't know why'd they'd remove weapons. Why can't you just bring the new ones and leave the old ones alone?
Really? Sorry my first battlefield was BFBC 1 :D
My breakdown: It seems as though the game got more realistic, because even in vehicles you have an ammo count for the Helicopters and the Tanks,...
Don't forget about the Quarians though. That could be affected by Tali's loyalty quest, or on whether or not you woke up Legion.
I think this trailer pretty much guarantees what you are getting. Battlefield 3 Caspian Trailer Reaction - YouTube
I WANTS GRENADE LAUNCHERZ AND SCOPEZ ON MAH ASSAULT RIFLEZ! caps But seriously, I don't use armor affects because it decreases stealth. If you...
Hello, and I'm working with Forgedevil to create two new machinimas, one of which is almost completed. We currently need a lot of people to make...
This trailer makes me wish I didn't sell Black Ops. Oh well, whatever. It'll get boring in a week anyway.
Lol at Shanon But I think he's serious. Sorry dude, I think that the economics are getting better though. Slowly, though. No, I mean VERY SLOWLY.
I think you've just been BANNED That, or you're internet is down. Maybe your ethernet cable or network adapter fell out?
I don't give a **** about Bethesda now that they've sued Mojang. HOW CAN YOU SUE A ****ING INDIE GAME DEVELOPER FOR THE USE OF THE WORD "SCROLLS"?...
This thread is for all the Video Game Titles you have heard about and excited about from this year's E3. The games I am most excited about are:...
I have to agree with Oli here, the first one was the best D-bag ever. A similar thing happened to me in BTB matchmaking. While I had the sniper...
no... the I just had sex one!
Already tested it, my review is almost finished. Sorry if there is no constructive things to say in this, I think I need to test it with more...
Wheres our offical welcome video?