Nine Inch Nails - Just Like You Imagined - YouTube Hurricane Irene.
It would surely be something if I could face PSN players on XBL. Not gonna happen though.
The SCAR has more ammo per mag than the 9A91. Plus you can customize your weapon on the fly and let it have different sights and underbarrel...
I live in Pittsburgh PA. I'm thankful I don't have to deal with the Hurricane.
You can't see anything underwater.
I'd report that ****sack.
trolololol - YouTube TROLOLOLOL... I am a demon.. >:) For the Xbox 360 and the PS3s nowadays, to temporarily fix it you need thermal paste, a...
You have to understand that The Testers Guild and the Review Hub are understaffed and overworked, which is why we don't have many maps reviewed or...
I just go into forge and piss around for a few minutes, then I come up with an idea. When that doesen't work, I play some customs and think about...
Face of Mankind - Raiding DMC - YouTube God I wish people still played this..
1. I guess 2. No. 3. No. 4. What? 5. Yeah.
This is truth.
People don't like the new Halo(s) because they don't like/want to adapt to new ideas. That's why so many people stick to Modern Warfare instead...
You really don't need mics to coordinate in Battlefield. Spotting mechanics and squad orders make everything very organized, and because the CoD...
I didn't feel ****, and I was in either Pittsburgh PA or Columbus Ohio at the time.
Third challenge in the demo where you had to prevent the flood was pissing me off. TO. THE. MAX. Whenever I placed that dirt path as soon as...
I feel as though in Bad Company, some weapons had the same stats and handled the same, but all of them are different enough to keep me interested.
Did you just say something about Halo being Tactical? lulwut, Halo isn't tactical unless it's that everyone has mics and coordnating or...
Not having mod support for the Xbox version of Minecraft made me completely sadfaic.
I'd rather have a good steakburger than MW3.