Hello, traveler! My internet will be returning shortly, and then I will resume production of my first machinima, Defiance! I need some helpers...
Dude, even though 9/11 is a serious topic, it happened 10 ****ing years ago. What is the difference between 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina? Hmm? What...
The Yogscast have been playing it quite extensively. Dead Island Part 8 - HAT BOY! - YouTube
****ing WINNNNNNNNNNNNN- 10/10. Again. Why can't you make a bad map for once? This is my most favorite spartan to date. The Dual Wielded SMG +...
This thread has so much epicness on it that it crashed my browser. No seriously. I'm still getting screenlag. 10/10 Nice to see a non...
Clan Base anyone? On a serious note, it is refreshing to see a non forge world map, but then again, you can't create much on Non Forge World...
If possible, make a version for Custom Games, not forge. Need a map like this for machinima.
I'm honored to be first on this. IMO this is the best one besides Patriot. I just wish there was some sort of glass or something for the visor....
If there is a particular reason to kill a child to advance the story/plot twists, than yes. (They should have an option to skip the scene however)...
It's called Firefight.
You do make a good point, but my post was directed towards Halo 4. People were asking for essentially the same game with a couple new features and...
My favorite maps were the ones released by the community, not by Bungie. But if I had to choose.. Foundry: Great for Forging Avalanche: Had great...
You see, I ****ing hate when people ask for LESS other than MORE. If you only wanted a few new things, why won't they just do a title update for...
You know, Halo: REACH? Reaching out, reaching perfection? Reaching forging potential?
Halo: Reach CwutIdidthar
Because everyone does it. Seriously, you have to have the passion to keep going. Forging takes tons of time, and people that have that creating...
Oh. In that case, you should tell your parents that they need to be fair, in terms of Xbox sharing.
This so much. Can also be done with: -Magnum + Plasma Pistol -Needle Rifle + Plasma Pistol -Sniper Rifle + Plasma Pistol ^^ All of this +...
Buy a new 20 gig Xbox and new shiny silver gt for your brother and tell him to GTFO your xbox. No offense, but your parents are pretty retarded...
Legendary is actually quite easy if you stop playing it like Rambo and start playing smart. I only use Noble Team as cannon fodder because unless...