First: lolcheating. Second: Sky's right. Cheating in Halo is just not cool. Third: If someone is stupid enough to play a 1v1, Clan Battle,...
I knew I was forgetting something to add.. You're right, I'll edit that in, would not make a lot of sense if they had the color and everything but...
If you wish, I'll get some pics on my Fileshare and you can take a look at them. Like Ninja said, the map is pretty boring with less than at least...
I see what you mean. When we were testing, the player count recommended was 12-16. We only have Two Starting Zombies, but they move pretty fast,...
Dead World is a Reach Zombies Game with RPG Elements. BOOM! One of your engines spontaneously combusts as you are flying over a tropical...
I also think that Green Team has to be given a little more security (Base-wise) due to them being basically in the middle of the game. When we...
We're playing this now, and the Red Team (Russian) base is the most overpowered, and is only accessible by air.
Blackmill. BATTLEFIELD CINEMA - Battlefield 3: A Beautiful Death - YouTube Blackmill - Fortune Soul (Full Version) - YouTube Blackmill -...
mackjr1234. I kick the **** out of the majority of the Matchmaking crowd.
I love Lego, but It really wasn't a big deal for why I started forging. I started forging around the time of Halo 3, though it was really nothing...
Any type of map that has been published. Matchmaking, Customs, Minigames, whatever. NOT FORGE SCREWING AROUND. That does not count. The worst...
ColorCloak Effect: Change the player into the other team color or opposite race (for Invasion/I.Slayer, etc.) If there are multiple teams, the...
Nice to see another member of Forgehub interested in machinima. Welcome to the greatest forging community on the internetz!
How you you like if you had an epic screenshot of your favorite Halo game on your computer as a screensaver? I sure do, which is why I am making...
I actually like the BTB Heavies. Everything else sucks ass, especially with removing Squad Slayer.
I usually don't forge planning. I usually have an idea in my head, but end up making something completely different.
I would make a city similar to an MMO, and then have unlimited AI people run around on it. I would also make a covenant battlecruiser with...
This will work great for my machinima. 10/10, queued.
I know I want more large scale battles, and more machinima tools.
Yes. If you are interested in voice acting, do those lines and send them to me. We should begin sometime in January.