Aren't clans banned from advertising on the 4chub forums?
This. So. Much. Halo Legends Sacred Icon Suite 2 Soundtrack - YouTube I was also a HUGE fan of ODST's soundtrack. Halo 3: ODST Original...
I usually play SMP but I am carried away with SSP right now. Pics of my house in a sec.
We will be starting the event at 7:00 EST today. Edited by merge: Due to sudden internet loss, we will not be doing the event today. The event...
No, you can still get in. Gamertag?
Lolclans. I'm actually surprised that people took the time to actually finish the app. A lot of people here don't take nicely to clans. It seems...
Movable Objects such as Crates and Vehicles and Toys and such despawn even if set on "NEVER". If you wanna build **** while shooting people, play...
Why can't people just call them "Maps" Instead of "Map Packs"? It feels a little weird "Map Packs" that are really just a bunch of Forge Maps...
**** Off. JUSSSST KIIIIDING I'm Carter. You can find alot of experienced members here, we don't get a lot of active newbies. Hopefully you can...
Sign up for the Weekly TGIF Customs on Halo. You can get alot of fun there. We'll also do some random Customs every once and a while, look out on...
Sentinel Beam looks the best.
Honor Rules.
If there's no copyright on the map they made (There is not) Everything is fair game. SHORT ANSWER: Edit Away.
“Forge The World” A parody of Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" by Mack Nelson I used to Forge The World Grids would rise when I gave the word Now in the...
Probably this coming weekend, on Friday we can have three matches, on Saturday we can have the last two.
Hey! Like Chess? Like Halo? Then you can sign up for the Halo Chess Tournament this coming weekend from 7-9 PM EST on Friday and Saturday....
Nice video, the gameplay looks good. What capture card is your friend using?
The fact of the matter is that both Treyarch and Infinity Ward are both recycling, not revolutionizing their games. They use the same engine...
While my computer had a virus I accumulated Three 60-Hour-Passes for an awesome FPS/RTS game called Nuclear Dawn on Steam. If you want to try out...
Your clan is represented by it's members. It's in the "Awsomeeepicclanrullbook" numba 98 But, seriously, lolclans. Sorry, clans are not...