I am going to call this LotB an RPG if you will. Now, I myself have thought of this, and I doubt many others haven't, but if you get this to work...
^^^^ Sums it up. Try figuring out other ways you could put danger in those situations. Would fusion coils work? Or maybe some form of...
Agh... Windows movie maker. My one weakness... It's... It's... Like my teachers are... Making... A Fil-Fil-Film. All serious jokes aside, that...
Use a heal pack.
And not to mention, when you show videos and such to your friends or upload them as just files, not to youtube, the HD makes a real difference.
For a few months I have been looking for a capture card that did not require output jacks, which I couldn't. I also required it to be HD. I just...
Skull Name: BAMF Skull Description: Johnson knows what he's doing. Skull Image: A cigar. Skull Effects: Whenever a player is Johnson all enemies...
Lol, best 100 ways to die in halo ever. I swear #100 is real though... Edit: Add these videos: YouTube - Another 100 Ways to Die in Halo 3...
Lol. I watched about three loops and got bored. Could have made it loop smoother, but I liked it! Although I doubt hunters turn into grunts...
No. Not nearly enough. Sorry but it's not that uncommon a thing. I do that from time to time just to have fun. I've seen people get triple...
Pokemon Crystal Version. Best game ever. No lie. I am effing psyched for heart gold, as gold was my second game. First TV console game was...
I know a kid that actually paid for about 50 gamertag changes. Wastes his parents money.
I remember my spree of suicides via jeeps on BF2142 that got me a crapload of xp. Good times... Good times...
Hey guys, wanna start a Guild ASAP when the game comes? Let's think to the future!
Probably actually exerting myself to find someone to play with.
I realise there will be no character imports, but there will be the Eye of the North, which could utilize some of those aspects for material...
That's assuming the classes are the same, which I hope are. We should get to use the classes we've unlocked from our own expansions, that would...
Option 2. We need a real epic jump. Edit: How about option three? I have an idea. Make a BIG Volcano. Mancannon into the volcano onto a...
Petitions don't normally work with bungie... and neither will this most likely, but because I believe they should and this should, I sign. *sign*
I almost peed my pants. YES!!! A z axis is obvious as well! Hardcore GW fans unite! The time is at hand! What race are you guys playing as?...