Hey, if you want I'll take over as G.M.
Wait a minute... OH F!#K I CAN'T EDIT THAT LAST POST!!!
Man this game is crazy. I hope no one learns about my plans for Japan though.
Halfway. They're 14. And I've been saying they need help for the past six years, so I doubt that's going to change. And Radiant, some people...
About six kids in my grade play guitar. When I ask them if they know how to go up and down any scale at all, in any form, they ask what a scale...
Let me get this straight, isn't it in the water? So, A. You wouldn't see it. B. Some grenades float, some sink, that's dependant on the random...
Is there reason all of the groups are members only except for ircct?
Fixed... Anyway, nice to see you man of three names. Why do you change your name so often as to have three of them?
BTW what countries does Ondul have anyway?
Hehehe... I like it, looks like a spec ops mission.
I might be playing Ghostbusters in band this year, I'm psyched. And the reason there's no viola, cello, etc... is because there aren't enough...
If you need a tester, just add me. Looking nice btw.
Wow. Sarge basically just blew my infection guide flat out of the water. Not surprising, but surprising.
Eh, I have no idea why I'm making this. Whatever. I play a mean alto saxaphone. And I'm sorry if the poll options are vague, only 10 options...
Eh, I have free time. I'll give it a shot if I get a chance. I have no idea how this will play, but I might as well. May even make an arena...
Easy answer to why remake it. Why not? Better answer, with a remake you now have immovable objects to edit it in ways not possible prior. Also...
So let me get this straight, your building what construct was originally planned to be? A huge three base on each side map with a narrow bridge...
^^ Arsenal. Anyway, if you need help testing the gt, just FR me, GT to your left. I think you should have no magnum/pp combo as spawn. Trust...
If you still need a beta tester or two, just send me a FR. GT: <
Ooh! Nice use of floating! Please P.M. me when you're done with it. I really want to show my friends.