What? He has not got any points. His "feedback" isn't substantial and is based off of nothing. "Problems" mentioned: It's too similar to...
False. Good complex maps can take a lot longer time to be completely understood. You don't actually have to use the teleporters. you just get an...
He isn't even adressing relevant stuff. I'm not getting defensive (I've got nothing to defend myself or the map against anyway), I just hate how...
This thread is just broke because of a "Forgehub rape". I'm not using any tricks and I'm not going to be bothered to restore the thread.
Replace steep ramps with normal ones. Remove glass structure from teleporter. Put the teleporter on the oustide closer to the center of the map...
Going on to the grammar now, are you? A missed space because of a bad keyboard invalidates my post and my reasoning? Let me break your post up a...
First off, I don't see how you could have missed that this map is *NOT* made for anything but 1v1/2v2s. I have told you about that, clearly, many...
You release a map you haven't tested yourself at all? And on top of that, you call it "Your crown jewel" without even knowing how it plays....
Honestly not sure about wether you are being serious or not. There is quite exactly 1 "extremely narrow walkway". It's not like the map is...
Taurus 2v2/1v1. This map began as an idea of making a Gemini inspired map, without the stupid doors and whitout the stupid teleporters. After...
Change name. Veridian is a rather famous and popular MLG map.
Wtf. I've been Forgehub raped? really? probably my brother. Bloody asshat. You might not know about it, but I've been away on months holiday,...
wait what? leaving? when did I say I was leaving?
Ey, "bro". I'm off from this site for good. take care, and don't waste too much time browsing.
Are you kidding me? This map is a joke, quite literally. I don't think this is made to be played on, but more just as some fun little thing. It...
Agreed. I saw an "MLG version" of this months ago.
Dude, drop the effects. I want to see what the map looks like, not what some modified and edited pictures of it look like. They make my eyes...
The one in matchmaking wasn't or isn't mad by Bungie. It was made by a guy called superduper something. On an on topic note, I think this remake...
Well, thank you.
Time v5 skip the feedback. I don't want it. Enjoy the map as much as you want though.