[IMG] [IMG] I feel bad for sending them work with no effort at all ;D
This is Life, but the text just doesn't work out, bro. I like its lighting, though.
What RightSideTheory said. Love that filter. Anyway, good luck with asking for forgiveness :D
Way too vibrant, dude.
Acid Rain - BEST. Corruption - Needs a better angle IMO.
Much better. I have no problems with the lighting or depth, personally.
The road to recovery shall start for me, my friend.
[IMG] Been a while, so be brutal. Go. Oh yeah, here's an old sig I did similar to this: [spoiler]
Second day of training for MMA :D
Damn, that's a pretty good looking sig right there. The only negative thought I have in mind is that I feel the smudging below the focal may have...
Why would he put a DJ in an Air Force base? Anyway, all previous statements apply from my thoughts.
1. Sign in. 2. Once redirected to the home page, click "Halo: Reach" on the upper-right section of the page. 3. Just click "Recent Screenshots"...
My computer says that the digital signature cannot be verified. Also, you must embed your screenshot (or whatever it is you're trying to show us)...
YouTube - Salaya :: Halo 3 Montage 4 - Unique, Funny, and Very Enjoyable! This, IMO, is one of the best montages I have watched in recent memory.
Probably because it's a more hideous sight to look at.
I want to watch the series, but it's just that there are so many other things to do and movies/shows to watch, at least for me, being a huge movie...
Yes. fllr
Newly added by MultiLockOn: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/98917-tutorial-winter-storm.html
I like your taste. Anyway, for me, I wouldn't include a light source of that much opacity since the bg isn't natural. I like the first one...