Why was Red Army banned?
I thought your last work was your last until you come back? Oh well... I like everything about it except that big chain above his head. It just...
Aww dang it.
Hey, man. What does QKT stand for? Just curious.
Woah, the lighting is a killer. Awesome job on that. I like the text too, but I too don't get the theme here.
But what happens if you get a Perfection?
Dude, you're not really listening. Honestly, I think you cannot improve your skills unless you actually do start listening to our advice. - Stop...
Here's an update on my quest for Mr. Nuke: 1st near success: - On Afghan, my chopper gunner got shot down about 20 seconds in. F*ck. 2nd near...
Happy Birthday! Get...uhm...active soon! :D
Never waste my time again.
Hey, man. Sorry about that guy in my party when you joined. He's my cousin :P
Happy Birthday, man!
You entered a car sig in the "real people" themed SOTW. :D
Looks like he's floating.
I'm online just now, actually. I saw you went offline 10 minutes prior to my sign-in. I see you're online on FH, so I figured I'd visitor message...
I was wondering about that...Thanks again, man. A choke point? Can you point out which spot you're talking about? [spoiler] Thanks. I'll try...
Next question: Which maps are the easiest to get a nuke with (in your opinion)? For me, I guess it's: - Scrapyard - Sub Base - Highrise
Yes, plus you're a mature and cool dude. [IMG]
Text - Change. Lighting - Quite pertyyy. C4D effects - NICE. Repeating images on two corners - It kinda contrasts from the theme of the sig,...
Sounds good. Thanks for the advice.