Yo uncle borat do you want to work on a map together, ive got one already done i just need some one to post pictures of it or someone to tell me...
My halo 3 racetrack on blackout. The name of it is Carbon. Theres nothing at the moment to show you what the track looks like but just look at my...
This is my new MLG map i made. its a pretty basic MLG style map. Its forged to the finest. Its geomerged to the finest. Please rate and download....
My new map name is MLG Slaughter its my first for forge hub. So download and enjoy! Download Link:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing :...
I like the map its a great map hey do u want to forge together sometimes if you do my GT is RoD iTz JoHNnY.
Hey you want to go build a map when i get on my GT is RoD iTz JoHNnY and look on the community maps and go to MLG Slaughter download please and...
This is my new MLG map. Sorry i currently have no pictures for you viewers. Please rate and downlaod. Thank You Bungie.net : Community : Forum...
hey are you in the forge hub clan