Great map but the sword will have to go to meet MLG standards but anyways the maps ok. I rate it a 4/5
Great map but you could of added a little more but anyways the map is good i rate it a 4.7/5
This is a great example of an MLG map. Its very great with so much interlocking and neatness. i rate this map a 4.8/5
MLG Anxiety Description: This is an MLG inspired map with a bunch of cool features. Its the most interlocked MLG map that ive built sofar. The...
Hey viper, i live ur and tex's maps that you've created.
Hey i was wanting to know if the moderators of forge hub or whoever can make new promotions for my group called Map Reviewers. Can you...
I find it great that your trying to help people in forge that come to a limit of money on their forge map. I find this very helpful and that your...
______________________________________________________________ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Map Reviewers™...
Hey ive made a map ratings group on and i was wanting to know if you can make ranks on forge hub for the gruop visit here to learn and...
__________________________________________________ ____________ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Map Reviewers™...
Hey whast up blood fire
The toutorial is Here
I love myself!!!!!!!!!
Good Racetrack, its got a very intrecate design. I pesonally rate this very great map a 4.8/5. You should post more maps like this one, i bet all...
Good Job on the map, I rate it personally a Awsome/5
This is a tremendis map. You are a great forger. Hey maybe we can forge sometime and make a good map together. My GT: AcTiViZiOn. Anyways i rate...
Does Need A little work, but besides that the map is good. Great structure but could add a little more. 4.2/5
Thats a freakin beast map. I give it a 5/5