I like it dude! Great find, well find for me :p 7/10 YouTube - Passion Pit - The Reeling
Chyeaaa dude, role with euology all the way. Haha
Keep at it, who needs a school education anyways? Not me. I love them dude! There Great :D
iPhone. Lost it a lunch, got home to find mean comments on my myspace. I didnt know it happened till I called her a good 2 hours later.
yeah, and then the kid who found it thought it would be funny to start up a conversation with my Girlfriend, i was texting her at the time. So,...
very much :D
Im all D:< right nao. Someone stole my phone and told my girlfriend to go **** herself, she thought it was me. An hour of her crying over the...
OHSHI- I ride Remz 0802's with Kizer harmani suspensions....
Ahhhh, did you know about this artist, or from my posts? ;D He is a ****ing musical genius <3 9/10 YouTube - Jedi Mind Tricks - I against I...
This is amazing. You went for the feel of a cave, correct? Achieved perfectly. Absolute beauty of a structure. Wouldn't be surprised if you earned...
****ing amazing. Great editing too. Very well done for a COD4 Montage.
****ing amazing <3 They look great man, there really breathtaking. (For a video game :p)
Agreed, its nice to see them without helmets, definite first for me. Looks good, but as AS said, there just a little plain. But good concept dude!
amazing song; and a amazing video. 10/10 easily. YouTube - "idols and anchors" Parkway Drive New Song
pretty good, brought in nice then got pretty hard brah. 7/10 YouTube - Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars
Text is Horrid IMO. Effects are amazing. Great flow man, loose the text and fill the right, or just completely redo the text. EDIT: You dont even...
yessum; itz_Huntarrr
find a way to shorten your name down :P