I guess you found me.
your dp makes me lol.
I want to sex you up. ^reference to a song or some ****.
Ok thank you for the help, i will be sure to use this the next time i make a sig.
The stock itself was terrible. I don't even know why i picked it. And alright about the border, something to improve on. Hows the text? I tried...
This is my first signature EVER in Photoshop. I hope you like it: [IMG] Its not the greatest but.. yea. I focused on color and effects and...
You bailed. Then called back, obviously. The body would not have distorted the way it did if it was something different.
Still waiting to be warned again.. Im braking your imaginary rules again. Check the sig.
I got PS today. Im content now =].
I understand. =D
Dang, i had gimp since September. Guess i really haven't grasped on to well.
Wow you are back to! So many old members are returning..
To help you with your pictures, you might want to make them straight and vertical and not doubled up. Its not against the rules to have it that...
I definitely agree. Do to the impact of people wanting to post maps or even just making maps for the Mythic DLC Pack, Forgehub will be thworted...
Hi. I made a request BTW.
Um.. this might be the right person to tell this to i believe. Look at my signature pl0x?
I must get warned again!
Did your Art come as just pure instinct or did it take practice?
mah flippeh floppyz.